Thursday, October 8, 2009

Tankless water heater

In order to safeguard this world, and make it a better place to breathe, we should try to conserve the natural resources and follow the maxim “GO GREEN AND, SAVE THE WORLD”. We should abstain the wastage of energy. In normal day-to-day life, the large quota of energy is wasted in heating water. We need hot water for many purposes like washing dishes, washing clothes, tanking bath, cleaning purposes and in other diligences.

We use accustomed approaches of heating water, that is, we store the water in a tank and then heat it with some heating element, or use some fuel, like gas or coal, to heat it. This leads to wastage of energy and capital. To refrain this, we use tankless water heaters. These are the modern versions of the orthodox water heater and comprehend all the good points of the standard water heater system. In tankless water heater, there is no need of storing water. This is one of the big benefits of using the tankless hot water heater over the traditional heater. They provide energy to the water at the instant they pass through the tankless heating system. This heat is provided by using a heat exchanger. This heat exchanger could be a gas drive type or electricity driven type. In the tankless water heating system, you just have to switch it on when you require hot water. And, moreover, your disbursement hinges on the quantity of water you used. This exhilarating feature makes tankless water heater very sought-after among throngs.

There are two types of tankless water heater; gas tankless water heater and electric water heater. You can choose from the two available models according to you prerequisites and your budget. The gas tankless water heater will provide you with higher flow rate of water as compare to the electric model. However, they are expensive and require a proper ventilation system in your house. On the other hand, electric tankless water heater is less exorbitant as compare to gas model and don't require some special architectural specifications. Electric models have double working life and are more efficient, as compare to the gas tankless water heater. But they have less flow rate and require a circuit breaker to provide the require amperes of current to crusade the heating element. So, you can choose the heater model harmonizing to your stipulations.

One of the main drawbacks of the tankless water heater is that they are costly and requires high initial payment. The price of the tankless heating system ranges from $300 to $1000. Even though, tankless water heater is expensive, their running and maintaining cost is fairly less as juxtapose to the traditional water heating system. They are energy efficient and will surely pay you back the auxiliary bucks that you have invested in buying a tankless heating solution.

Traditional water heater was used in the time when energy husbandry was not a big issue. However, now days, energy conservation is a hot topic and the basis of our survival. So, buy a tankless water heater and give your must needed contribution, in making this world green.


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